Wednesday, March 31, 2010

current events

President is trying to get rid of the ban for off-shore drilling on the Gulf of Mexico and Virginia. Doing this will lower gas prices in a few months. I like the idea of this because in the summer i travel a lot and the price will drop as much as 50 cents.

current events obama afganistan

A few days ago President Obama went to the middle east and talked to the President of Afganistan about issues in Afganistan, after he was done he went to a Marine base and when the marines came back one man was really offended when he saw Obama because he thought it was someone trying to fool them and after he found out it was actually Obama he felt really bad for yelling and swearing at him. I think it's kind of funny and i feel bad for that guy because he probably feels really stupid now.

Current Events

The other day a comic book--the first comic book where Superman is introduced sold for 1.5 million dollars. That is crazy! I think if someone has that much money to waste on comic books they should find something better to do with it like giving it to people who don't even have enough money to eat.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Current Events- Legalizing it

The state of California is going to pass a bill that will legalize the use of marijuana, because if they do this they can get more money on taxes and such. I think it's dumb that they are doing this but it's not that big of a deal either because a lot of people use it already and it doesn't kill you.

Current Events MOA

The other night a 21 year old man, (whose name has not yet been released)--either jumped, fell or was pushed from the fourth floor in the Mall Of America. In the past three weeks at the Mall Of America 3 people have died there either by suicide or accident. Finding this out i'm a little weary of going to Mall Of America. It kind of creeps me out..and it's also really sad.

Healthcare Blog

Tuesday, March 23rd President Obama signed the Healthcare Reform Bill, which basically is universal healthcare. It obviously passed senate/house just fine, but after he signed they checked it over again and realized that there were a couple parts that were illegal so now they have to send it all the way through the house and senate to be passed again, so who knows it the bill will actually be passed again?!

Current Events Infantino

There's a baby sling called "Infantino" that mothers use to carry their infants in that has suffocated over 30 babies. I think this is ridiculous...the baby slings should have been tested over and over again to make sure that they were safe for the helpless babies. I also think that the mothers should've check their babies more often just because it's what you do when you have a baby. I believe it is the producers of the slings fault for not checking the slings better but the parents could've checked on their infants too.